Congressional Influence

Let’s take another look at congressional data. This data is covers 5,000 legislative bills that were sponsored in Congress over 411 representatives (or the equivalent), 50 states (including some additional US territories) and 759 “subjects” (eg abortion, health, education, etc). In this notebook, we will learn the network structures for states with more than 5 districts. The idea is to understand the influence of one district on the rest of the districts (within a state). For example, if Nancy Pelosi sponsors a bill, then what is the influence of this sponsorship on other representatives also sponsoring the bill? We compute the influence using lift, which is just the posterior probability divided by the marginal probability.

Load data

Let’s load the data.

import pandas as pd

def get_pdf(state):
    cols = [c for c in pdf.columns if c.startswith(state)]
    return pdf[cols]

pdf = pd.read_csv('./data/congress-influence.csv', low_memory=False) \

meta_pdf = pd.read_csv('./data/congress-meta.csv', low_memory=False) \
    .assign(state=lambda d: d['district'].apply(lambda s: s.split('_')[0])) \

pdf.shape, meta_pdf.shape
((4308, 441), (441, 3))

The bar graph below visualizes the number of districts in each state. CA has the most number of districts.

s = pd.DataFrame(([(c, c.split('_')[0]) for c in pdf.columns]), columns=['district', 'state']) \
    .groupby(['state']) \
    .size() \

_ = s.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12, 3), title='Number of districts per state', ylabel='n')

Now we convert the Pandas dataframe into a Spark one.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

def get_sdf(state):
    return spark.createDataFrame(get_pdf(state)).cache()

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName('diabetes') \
    .master('local[*]') \
    .config('spark.executor.memory', '5g') \
    .config('spark.driver.memory', '10g') \
    .config('spark.memory.offHeap.enabled', 'true') \
    .config('spark.memory.offHeap.size', '5g') \

state_sdf = {state: get_sdf(state) for state in s[s > 5].index}


We are going to learn a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) using the Maximum Weight Spanning Tree (MWST) algorithm for each state.

from import DiscreteData
from pysparkbbn.discrete.plearn import ParamLearner
from pysparkbbn.discrete.bbn import get_bbn
from pybbn.pptc.inferencecontroller import InferenceController
from pysparkbbn.discrete.scblearn import Mwst

def learn(sdf):
    d = DiscreteData(sdf)
    g = Mwst(d).get_network()
    p = ParamLearner(d, g).get_params()
    b = get_bbn(g, p, d.get_profile())
    t = InferenceController.apply(b)

    return {
        'data': d,
        'graph': g,
        'params': p,
        'bbn': b,
        'tree': t
_r = {state: learn(sdf) for state, sdf in state_sdf.items()}
23/09/13 11:36:31 WARN CacheManager: Asked to cache already cached data.

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23/09/13 11:37:02 WARN CacheManager: Asked to cache already cached data.
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Below is a visualization of all the graphical structures for each state.

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def plot_structure(g, title, ax):
    pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(g, prog='dot')



def _plot_structure(_r, state, ax):
    plot_structure(g=_r[state]['graph'], title=f'{state} congressional influence', ax=ax)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(_r), 1, figsize=(20, 100))

for state, ax in zip(_r, np.ravel(axes)):
    _plot_structure(_r, state, ax)



Now let’s take a look at how some Congress members influence others.

from pybbn.graph.jointree import EvidenceBuilder

def post_to_df(post, prefix):

    _data = [(k, v['no'], v['yes']) for k, v in post.items()]
    _data = pd.DataFrame(_data, columns=['district', f'{prefix}_no', f'{prefix}_yes']) \
    return _data

def get_posteriors(t, district, sponsorship):
    ev = EvidenceBuilder() \
        .with_node(t.get_bbn_node_by_name(district)) \
        .with_evidence(sponsorship, 1.0) \

    _data = post_to_df(t.get_posteriors(), 'post')

    f = _data.index.isin([district])
    _data = _data[~f]

    return _data

def get_marginal(t):
    _data = post_to_df(t.get_posteriors(), 'marg')
    return _data

def get_lift(t, district):
    _influencer = meta_pdf[meta_pdf.index == district].iloc[0]['name']
    _marginal = get_marginal(t)
    _pos = _marginal.join(get_posteriors(t, district, 'yes')) \
            lift_yes=lambda d: d['post_yes'] / d['marg_yes']
        ) \
        .dropna() \
    _neg = _marginal.join(get_posteriors(t, district, 'no')) \
            lift_no=lambda d: d['post_no'] / d['marg_no']
        ) \
        .dropna()  \

    return _marginal \
        .join(_pos) \
        .join(_neg) \
        .join(meta_pdf) \
        [['lift_yes', 'lift_no', 'party', 'name']] \
        .dropna() \

Nancy Pelosi

When Nancy Pelosi sponsors a bill, the lift of the other Congress members below also tend to sponsor the bill. Interestingly, Young Kim, a Republican, sponsors bills by nearly a factor of 3 when Nancy Pelosi also sponsors the bill.

get_lift(_r['CA']['tree'], 'CA_11') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False) \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1')
lift_yes lift_no party name influencer
CA_25 39.206005 1.005103 D Raul Ruiz Nancy Pelosi
CA_06 15.040690 1.002292 D Ami Bera Nancy Pelosi
CA_32 5.645276 1.001095 D Brad Sherman Nancy Pelosi
CA_40 2.958387 1.000362 R Young Kim Nancy Pelosi
CA_30 1.415824 1.000163 D Adam B Schiff Nancy Pelosi
CA_47 1.102084 1.000044 D Katie Porter Nancy Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

We notice that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s bill sponsorship increases the lift of sponsorship for one other member from NY.

get_lift(_r['NY']['tree'], 'NY_14') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False)\
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1')
lift_yes lift_no party name influencer
NY_16 11.386664 1.013153 D Jamaal Bowman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy is the current (2023) House Republican Leader. His sponsorship increases the lift of only 2 other Congress members from his state.

get_lift(_r['CA']['tree'], 'CA_20') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False) \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1')
lift_yes lift_no party name influencer
CA_13 45.383949 1.000449 R John S Duarte Kevin McCarthy
CA_01 4.827280 1.000154 R Doug LaMalfa Kevin McCarthy

CA influencers

In this analysis, we look at each CA Congres member’s influence on others and count how many times the lift is greater than 1.1. What bubbles out is that Nanette Diaz Barragan has the most lift. If you look at the BBN graph structure for CA, you will notice that she is at the nexus of a cluster of members. From the graph structure, she is influenced through many pathways (she is not a root influencer herself).

influence_df = pd.concat([get_lift(_r['CA']['tree'], district)
                          for district in meta_pdf[meta_pdf['state'] == 'CA'].index])
(2652, 5)
_ = influence_df \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False) \
    .groupby(['influencer', 'party']) \
    .size() \
    .sort_values(ascending=False) \
    .plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 3), title='CA, positive sponsorship lift greater than 1.1', ylabel='n')

Nanette Diaz Barragan is a Democat from CA’s 44th District.

meta_pdf[meta_pdf['name'] == 'Nanette Diaz Barragan']
party name state
CA_44 D Nanette Diaz Barragan CA

The table below shows the lift of positive sponsorship by Nanette Diaz Barragan.

influence_df[influence_df['influencer']=='Nanette Diaz Barragan'] \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False)
lift_yes lift_no party name influencer
CA_43 6.699596 1.003815 D Maxine Waters Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_29 6.241822 1.012564 D Tony Cárdenas Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_34 4.982975 1.007346 D Jimmy Gomez Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_30 4.895481 1.012528 D Adam B Schiff Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_31 4.852449 1.007864 D Grace F Napolitano Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_35 3.575603 1.002823 D Norma J Torres Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_42 3.510453 1.002555 D Robert Garcia Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_08 2.611382 1.003312 D John Garamendi Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_33 2.578973 1.001102 D Pete Aguilar Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_36 2.117698 1.003409 D Ted Lieu Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_49 2.018340 1.002115 D Mike Levin Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_47 1.956330 1.003381 D Katie Porter Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_16 1.733226 1.000990 D Anna G Eshoo Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_32 1.579870 1.001121 D Brad Sherman Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_50 1.470807 1.000945 D Scott H Peters Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_52 1.465760 1.000894 D Juan Vargas Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_06 1.277089 1.000371 D Ami Bera Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_46 1.266964 1.000423 D J. Luis Correa Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_14 1.258381 1.000603 D Eric Swalwell Nanette Diaz Barragan
CA_25 1.124468 1.000136 D Raul Ruiz Nanette Diaz Barragan

NY influencers

Here is the analysis for each Congress member in NY. Grace Meng provides the most number of lift for positive sponsorship in NY.

_ = pd.concat([get_lift(_r['NY']['tree'], district) for district in meta_pdf[meta_pdf['state'] == 'NY'].index]) \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False) \
    .groupby(['influencer', 'party']) \
    .size() \
    .sort_values(ascending=False) \
    .plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 3), title='NY, positive sponsorship lift greater than 1.1', ylabel='n')

VA influencers

In VA, Gerald E Connolly provides the most positive sponsorship lift.

_ = pd.concat([get_lift(_r['VA']['tree'], district) for district in meta_pdf[meta_pdf['state'] == 'VA'].index]) \
    .query('lift_yes > 1.1') \
    .sort_values(['lift_yes'], ascending=False) \
    .groupby(['influencer', 'party']) \
    .size() \
    .sort_values(ascending=False) \
    .plot(kind='bar', figsize=(7, 3), title='VA, positive sponsorship lift greater than 1.1', ylabel='n')